What Do You Really Want ?

The intelligent investor will tell you that their true wealth is not created from long days spent at the office or from the overtime they put in at the steel mill, but from a decision you make in your life, to finish happy and to finish wealthy. He will also tell you that you must establish specific goals, have a written plan, and take action ... no matter what!

Building wealth can be simple ... if you make it simple. But first, you must have this:

  • A clear vision of what you want
  • A solid plan to build wealth upon
  • A method of tracking your progress

Are your goals SMART goals ?


State exactly what you want to achieve, how you're going to do it, and when you want to achieve it.


A goal should be measurable so you know when and how much you set to accomplish.


Make sure the goal is within reach. State your minimum and your target for each goal you set.


Is the goal realistic for you? Your goals need to be tasks that you can reasonably accomplish.


Being able to monitor and track progress over time, creates positive momentum, allowing you to reach each goal.

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